After a session with me, you get a recap through e-mail about your strengths, weaknesses, spiritual gifts, purpose in life and more. I intuitively feel into your energy centers “chakras” during the session and give you advise as to what can happen next for you and how you can handle life itself. Length of e-mail depends on the Energy. Enjoy this informative energy reading from a new client last week.
This energy center is the most active which means that your soul came into Earth with this “GIFT” The ability to connect to higher realms, tap into Source Consciousness or Universal Life Force. Which gives me the impression that you are a knowledge seeker. You tend to gravitate towards situations and people who you believe will help you evolve. But this is the tricky part, with our past, we accumulate limiting thoughts, decisions and beliefs that do protect us but also hurt us.
Truth is not many people want to step out of their comfort zones to evolve and be the best version of themselves, so this path is hard because we feel like we don’t belong in this world, we don’t fit into the laws, regulations, standards, culture of people and we feel alone and we tend to withdraw and only have a very small circle of friends, if any. The one thing that keeps this soul from staying in this world is, because it is open to so much information, it “intuitively knows” there’s much more than just this boring life and wants to create in this world, a world of his own, where people get along, love eachother and feel connected.
This is linked to your desire for multiple deeper connections/ relationships. This chakra is important to heal because it is the “ONLY REASON WHY YOU CHOSE TO COME INTO THIS WORLD AT THIS TIME, YOUR PLEASURE IN THIS DIMENTION, ALSO THE BIGGEST IMBALANCE”
This chakra is connected to our sexuality, Creativity, Creation, Relationships.
When we start to balance this chakra, we enhance our creative expression, improves sexual intimacy and increases intuition, Pleasure and Joy. As we talked about it yesterday, The reason for life here is JOY.
This is what I’d like to work on for our next session. (your limiting beliefs/decisions on not feeling worthy enough to experience real connection with people)
If at any point you want to work on your “GIFT”, you should also be working on your Root chakra because this is your “THE GIFT ENHANCER”. This should be the first chakra I believe, you should work on first, because it is the one that will open you up the present moment. The one that grounds us. The one that helps us see much more in this dimention we areleady live in. When we connect to our bodies and are conscious of all our senses, smell, touch, see, hear, taste, vestibular and propioception (movement and balance) The more we connect to ourselves in this human form, we unlock our powers.
Your third eye and Heart chakras are on the RECEIVING SIDE which means that they work together to send this energy to your body on a daily basis. You are eceving intuitive love from the Universe everyday. Which means that it is important you you to try to connect to your spirit guides, guidance system, higher self, angels, whatever you believe in, it is that protection that follows us. and the more we try to connect with these energies, the more Love you will find in your reality.
The reason there is a struggle on your other receiving side (Heart) following your intuition has been somewhat of a struggle for you. You know you have a strong intuition but have been skeptical about following it. You the more you program yourself to listen to you intuition and actually make changes because of your gut feelings or knowings, the more your intuition will open up and will make it easier for you to trust it. Which means that your heart chakra is blocking your intuition. IN order for you to trust in your intuition, you will need to trust, believe and love yourself first.
This is the “CHAKRA WITH THE BIGGEST TRAMA” Theres a block here since way back, could be your childhood, or ancestral. My sessions can also help connect to the time when it first began, so that we can bring awareness and release this trauma that you don’t remember where it could be from. Our bodies store information and subconscious stores memories. You can definetely tap in to see what it is.
The Throat and the Solar Plexus are on your GIVING SIDE. You tend to share your essence and your being with these chakras, so you tend to connect with people though these chakras. The solar is empowering, and the throat is communication, so if these two are on the same side, it means your words are motivating and knowledgeable. You empower people through your words. When you cultivate this energy together, you can become a fantastic motivational speaker or guide to the world. SPECIALLY IF YOUR GIFT IS CROWN. This means your words are not only empowering, they come from Source consciousness, its like you almost know what the person is going to do or say or act and you call them out because it is clear to you but some people tend to take your words the wrong way but thats just because theyre not willing to see the truth in themselves. Some people may call you harsh or stern but reality is that you are just giving them information that they need to hear. They may not receive it at that moment, but some day it will click and theyll realize you planted that seed in them.
“THE CHAKRA THAT YOUR SOUL LIKES TO SHARE THE MOST” Talking, words, communication, knowledge, you enjoy conversations, specially deeper ones. When this chakra is too open, people tend to talk more than they listen and like to be right all the time, not letting people talk or talking over them. When this chakra is too closed, people tend to only speak when they need to, to avoid offending people or just simply because they don’t feel understood. When we bring balance, we only speak information that will help people. Even if it hurts them, you know that your intention is humble and will help them in the future. You cannot feel bad for being honest. Take pride in your ability to perceive and share important information.
This chakra boosts self esteem, self trust, self empowerement, it is your sense of humor, makes you warmth in personality. When balancing this chakra, you increase your responsibility and being reliable. When we trust and love ourselves, we naturally share this energy with others and we make others feel empowered, loved, and boosts their self-esteem. ROOT CHAKRA/GROUNDING MEDITATION TO BALANCE YOUR CROWN