Step by step process on a typical Reiki- Energy healing session

I start my sessions by introducing sound healing. Your brain synchronizes its waves to an external stimuli’s rhythm of frequency.

I introduce healing symbols of Reiki CHO-KU-REI, SEI-HEI-KI, HON-SHA-ZE-SHO-NEN
I start on the head, our Crown, to open them up and strenghten the connection between Life force Energy

I sense some blockage and I start to move the Energy out of the body. Sensing a blockage for me could feel like heaviness on my chest, change of breathing, or a simple gut feeling.

I intuitively hear my thoughts saying, “Dudas, porque dudas?”. In English it means, “Doubt, why do you still doubt?”. I immediately recognize these are not my thoughts, these are my client’s thoughts, and I hold space for them. I am Worthy, I am not alone. I am Powerful.
I use singing bowls to enhance my affirmations.

I move down each body part. When I reached the Heart and Solar plexus space, i sensed a blockage here too. This space is our ability to feel self-love and self-worth.

I receive imagery of this woman. She’s in an island surrounded by trees and her favorite animals. I get the sense that this is her reality. She has everything she needs with the people she loves. She’s healthy and in a protected space. But I encourage her to believe and trust in her abundance and practice gratitude. I remove limiting beliefs and I introduce higher vibration.

And I do one last general cleanse to balance all her body systems.
I ground her before finishing up the session.

After the session, she explained to me that she had lost everything after her recent divorce and felt like she had nothing to live for. She also had a trip to a tropical island coming up. She expressed that this session had given her hope to find strength withing herself and was exited to bring joy back from her trip AND was inspired to spread awareness through energy healing.